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Sortable List of all Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poems in our Database containing the term: "Ultima Thule"

Poem Title First Line Publication Name Publication Year
Bayard Taylor Dead he lay among his books! Ultima Thule 1880
Burial of the Poet, The Richard Henry Dana Ultima Thule (Sonnets) 1880
Chamber Over the Gate, The Is it so far from thee Ultima Thule (Poems) 1880
Dedication; To G.W.G. With favoring winds, o'er sunlit seas, Ultima Thule 1880
Elegiac Dark is the morning with mist; in the narrow mouth of the harbor Ultima Thule (Poems) 1880
From my Arm-Chair Am I a king, that I should call my own Ultima Thule (Poems) 1880
Helen of Tyre What phantom is this that appears Ultima Thule (Poems) 1880
Iron Pen, The I thought this Pen would arise Ultima Thule (Poems) 1880
Jugurtha How cold are thy baths, Apollo! Ultima Thule (Poems) 1880
Maiden and Weathercock MAIDEN. Ultima Thule (Folk-Songs) 1880
My Cathedral Like two cathedral towers these stately pines Ultima Thule (Sonnets) 1880
Night Into the darkness and the hush of night Ultima Thule (Sonnets) 1880
Old St. David's at Radnor What an image of peace and rest Ultima Thule (Poems) 1880
Poet and His Songs, The As the birds come in the Spring, Ultima Thule (L'Envoi) 1880
Robert Burns I see amid the fields of Ayr Ultima Thule (Poems) 1880
Sifting of Peter, The In St. Luke's Gospel we are told Ultima Thule (Folk-Songs) 1880
Tide Rises, the Tide Falls, The The tide rises, the tide falls, Ultima Thule (Folk-Songs) 1880
Windmill, The Behold! a giant am I! Ultima Thule (Folk-Songs) 1880

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